Monday, June 15, 2009

Why we keep her around...

Emmy is such a's a samplin' of some of her recent cuteness:

If she tastes something she doesn't like, she says "I can't like that anymore, Mommy!"

Some deer came up on our deck overnight at ate almost every last one of my lovely summer flowers! I showed Emmy, and explained what happened...she said, "naughty deer!". On our drive home tonight, she told me she was looking for doggies, chickens and deer. I asked her if she thought the deer had eaten the rest of our flowers while we were gone today. She said, "Naughty deer...they need to go sit on the naughty spot!"

I was wiping up her hands after dinner last night, and told her she had dip between her fingers. She explained that she had ladybugs between her fingers too. I asked her if they were sticky, and she said, "Yeah".

She sang Happy Birthday on the phone last night to her 85 year old great grandma Jarrett. Then she said, "I love you, Papaw". Hmmmm....

When she wakes up in the morning, she yells, "I had a good nap. I'm ready to get up!"

She's crazy about rain boots.

We got up early on Saturday to do the Race for the was still a little dark out, and when she was getting up, she told Keith she "needed a flashlight".

1 comment:

^..^Corgidogmama said...

Who knew that kiddies would be so entertaining and fun?
Oops, just remembered her poopiness of last week. Fun, right?
Her silliness makes up for all that.