Saturday, August 16, 2008

Blog Highlight

I enjoy reading blogs, and I've come across some great ones over the summer.  I enjoy Mom blogs, cooking blogs, crafting blogs, stamping blogs...there are some REALLY creative people out there!  I'd like to start sharing some of my favorite blogs on a weekly basis, and highlighting what I think is so great about them.  

For the first week, I thought I'd talk about The Crafty Crow.  It's a great place to find craft ideas for your kids that are actually do-able!  Enough of the Martha Stewart crap that the average Mom doesn't have the time or patience to organize.  This site has book recommendations, organizes crafts by age or occasion (ex:  birthday party, Halloween, etc).  I love checking out their ideas (which are often links to other crafty Mom's blogs...yay!).  

So, check it out, I guarantee you'll find something you want to do with your kiddos!

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