Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Bye, Bye Bottles

Another chapter in Emmy's babyhood is closing...we're saying bye-bye to the bottles.  She's drinking exclusively out of sippy cups now, and I think we've weaned her from the 6am bottle.  It wasn't too hard, we just don't go upstairs when we wakes up at 6am.  I hear a few "mama, MAMA, MAMA!!"s and then it gets quiet again.  (did I mention we have been spoiled by this kid?!) Keith liked his special morning time with Em, but it was time to break the bottle habit.  Sniff, sniff....bye-bye babyhood.  


Jen said...

Good job guys...go Em, go!

^..^Corgidogmama said...

Another milestone for little Em. They'll come faster now, just you wait and see. She's a good little girl, and is lucky to have such wonderful nurturing from her parents! We're proud of all of you!