I'm in San Antonio, Texas, attending a much-needed CME conference and Keith's at home holding down the fort with Em. It's hot down here and quite windy...is it always this windy in Texas? It's my first time in the state, so it's all new to me. I've wandered around the Riverwalk, strolled through HemisFair park that was built for the World's Fair in 1968, caught up with some old Duke PA classmates, and ate some Tex-Mex (yum!). Keith & Em have enjoyed playing outside on the water table and took a trip to the mall today. Emmy & I both are battling the sniffles, and cursing those little daycare germs.
Tomorrow, the exhibit hall opens at the conference, so I'll load up on post-it notes and pens. I go to this conference (the national PA conference) about every 3 years, and it's always fun to see old teachers/classmates, hear what's new in medicine, and just be in the same place with so many other PA colleagues. It's really cool to see the diversity of our profession, hear what other PAs are doing around the country, and knock out a big chunk of our required CME hours.
I fly home Wednesday evening, and look forward to kissing my babygirl, petting the cats, and sleeping next to my hubby again.
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