Before I had a kid, I used to wonder what stay-at-home-moms did all day. I figured there was the usual housework, but beyond that I always questioned what else they did to fill up their day. So, I thought I'd give you a glimpse of what goes on around here on a typical day (Keith probably is interested in this as well!).
Up around 6am to feed Emmy her first bottle. After I pump, we both go back to sleep until about 830 or 9 when she wakes up hungry for bottle #2. After eating, we do some playtime (enter bouncy seat, swing, activity mat). When she starts getting bored with any and all of the above, it's time for a nap. She usually goes to her crib and watches the mobile with great amusement...see photo 2. During this nap, I try to eat breakfast/lunch/brunch...whatever. If it's close to noon, I pump again. If she's still sleeping well, I try to shower. If she wakes up, she comes into the bathroom with me and sits in the bouncy seat while I entertain her by singing "Zip-a-dee-doo-da" as I wash my hair. Bottle #3 comes around 12-1pm. Afterwards, we take a walk around the neighborhood and see what's happening. We often see other Moms & kids out and will stop for a quick visit. Today after our walk, we went across the street to visit with our neighbor for a while. Come home...naptime. This is usually when I get to read email, read blogs, write my blog, scrapbook, do laundry, wash dishes, feed cats, make phonecalls, or go out to run errands (while Em sleeps in the carseat). Bottle #4 comes around 4pm and we watch Oprah while Em eats. She finds Oprah as entertaining and enlightening as I do. After eating, it's tummy time/activity mat/swing (see photo 1) and then in the crib with mobile & music before another nap. This nap is usually a short one, and the Keith comes home. I pump around 6pm. She gets bottle #5 between 6-7pm, then gets her jammies on. If it's a bath night, she'll get one now. She'll stay up a little while to hang out with us, we have dinner, and then usually she falls asleep again. Bottle #6 comes around 9pm and then right back to bed. I usually do scrapbooking or computer stuff during this time. Last call is around 1130pm for bottle #7, then right back to sleep (heck, sometimes she doesn't even wake up when she eats that last bottle). I pump for the last time between 1130 and midnight, then off to bed for me.
Of course, this is a rough idea of a typical day for us. Anything and everything can throw this whole routine off-kilter...let's see, the blow-out that requires a complete outfit change (for Emmy and myself!), the doctor visit, the grocery run, rainy weather, a meltdown that necessitates cuddling for almost an hour before falling asleep.
Silly me, to think stay-at-home-moms had it easy and had scads of free time! Ha!
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