Sunday, March 23, 2014

Liam - Age 2

For the past year, I've heard myself say (or thought to myself) several times, "Being 2 is hard!"  Being a parent to a 2 year old is often hard/challenging/maddening, but also filled with sweet moments.  It occurred to me this week that Liam will be 3 soon.  This year has flown by, but when you are in the trenches of toddlerhood, some moments seem like they will never end.  I wanted to reflect back, and document, some of the things that will forever evoke "Liam - Age 2" to me.

--Thomas the train...he developed a taste for all things train, and loves his train table/track set.
--Quiet boy (as in, will he ever talk?!) to chatterbox.  Oh, how I love to hear what he has to say!
--Pancakes...he little guy loves his carbs, and this is his favorite breakfast.  I love how he says "pan-takes" and "hur-rup"
--The paci...we've whittled his reliance on this thing down to bedtime only from a 24-7 dependance.  I have heard him sucking on that thing fiercely over the baby monitor at night, as he soothes himself back to sleep.  Heard him cry in the back seat "I need my paci!", and seen him go from hiding place to hiding place in search of a back up paci.  He loves that thing.
--Grins & dimples, with wrinkled up noses.  He is so stinkin' cute, and pulls that card out especially when he's doing something naughty...which is most of the time.
--Running.  Everywhere, all the time.  And if not running, jumping or hopping.  Or climbing.
--"Where Emmy??"  Usually one of the first things out of his mouth.  He adores his big sister, and has since day one.  The feeling is mostly mutual, although sometimes I do hear her say, "sometimes it's hard being the big sister."
--Books.  Early on, Liam would grab a board book and plop on my lap while I sat criss-cross.  Then, he  decided he didn't want to sit on my lap and books went out the window for a while.  We put a "reading chair" in his room recently, and reading books is back in favor.  I love to see what he'll choose each night.  Recent hits include Chicka-chicka boom boom, Knuffle Bunny, Can You Say Peace? and listening to him recite Brown Bear from memory.
--He loves Amos.  And by that, I mean he loves to scream him name when the cat enters the room, tackles him, pets/pats somewhat gently (but not always), tries not to pull his tail, and chases him.  Amos is usually a good sport, and sends a message loud & clear when he's had his fill.
--Holding hands/holding a finger.  He often asks to hold our hand, especially when going down stairs and it never gets old.  I love his tiny little baby hands, which soon enough will be big boy hands.
--Funny expressions, which will flitter away before I realize it..."O-tay", "dere's peoples!", "hold hand", "yuv ooo!", "munsters!", "shower power", "hur-rup or hora (syrup or Dora)", and "Yesssss" with his adorable little lisp.
--He says "Bwesss you" after you sneeze.
--Unbridled joy...arms in the air, yelling "YAY!" about something mundane.  There is no mundane to a 2 year old.
--For better or for worse, the kid can work an iPad or iPhone with ease.  Mostly, in an attempt to get the PBS Kids app to work so he can watch Curious George, the Kratz Brothers or Cat in the Hat.
--Singing...spontaneous little songs from the back seat, or singing to himself while playing.  Belting out Happy Birthday after Em turned 7.  The ABC song, with particular emphasis on LMNOP!  A sweet little boy voice, high-pitched, off key, and unabashed.  Joyful and usually accompanied by giggles.

This little guy has certainly come into his own this year...spirited, opinionated, head-strong.  He's a never-ending bundle of energy and gives great big squeezy hugs.  Our little guy is growing up...we've only got about 6 more weeks of parenting a 2 year old, and then we'll never have a 2 year old again.  Looking forward to seeing what age 3 has in store for us!

1 comment:

^..^Corgidogmama said...

Awww...this post was a love letter to your little boy. He is the sweetest little maniac ever!