Sunday, July 10, 2011


With the addition of a new little person to the family, lots of changes have been going on around here. The reduction of parental sleeping hours is just one of many! We are finally beginning to get into a bit of a schedule, with Liam *usually* only waking up once in the middle of the night after his last evening feed around 11pm. Some nights go better than others, but it is glorious bliss when he decides to snooze until 4am! I've been trying to have him take an afternoon nap in his crib so that we can begin that transition to nighttime sleep in his bedroom when I go back to work in early August. I'll be returning to work full time, but changes are on the horizon, as I found out my supervisor will have left by the time I return. It's been nice to not have to think about work for the summer, but reality will hit full-swing come August, as it's one of the busiest times of the school year.

Emerson will be transitioning to the 4 yr old classroom tomorrow. It's her last year at the preschool before kindergarten. I can't think about life this time next year, as we'll be buying school supplies for our girl, and gearing her up for her first school bus ride. I'm sure I'll be sobbing on the corner as the bus drives away. Who gave this kid permission to grow up?!

Liam is working hard to lift his head & shoulders up, do little "push-up's", and has rolled from front to back several times now (I think just to prove how much he hates tummy time). He is cooing, smiling and chatting us up on a regular basis. He's started swatting & kicking at toys, and enjoys our morning walks.

I've been taking 3 mile walks on a daily basis for the past several weeks in an attempt to get back into shape (and back into my work clothes). I've joined Weight Watchers online to shed the last few unwanted pounds. I'm considering joining the Durham YMCA, which is only 2 blocks from work. I discovered they offer lunch time exercise classes, which would work very well for my schedule.

Summer if flying by, and August will be here before we know it.

1 comment:

^..^Corgidogmama said...

That was a nice little update. Wow, upheavals at work...our new director begins on the 18th, and then the library supv, over all the clerks leaves. Changes changes...
It IS amazing how fast babies turn into kids and kids turn into little people with their own little lives. Dadgumit anyway!